Historia abreviada de la literatura portátil By Enrique Vila-Matas
Book Historia abreviada de la literatura portátil aire
Ard ndan Fleur Jaeggy nin Disiplinli G zel G nler roman n n daha ilk sat rlar nda ve eyvah ki bu kitapta Shandy lerden biri olarak kar ma kan Robert Walser da san r m benim odradek im Yirmi yedi ya ndaki haliyle belirip yazd her portatif s zc okumaya a r yor beni 9788433966483 Ayakl edebiyat ansiklopedisi ve edebiyat sihirbaz Enrique Vila Matas tan yine sa lar n z dik dik edecek bir kitap Montano Hastal ve Bartleby ve rekas ile g nl m fetheden Matas bu kez sadece edebiyat de il g rsel sanat lar da kalemine dolam Makaraya ald klar ayk r ki ilikler ise ait olduklar sanat ak mlar n n farkl l klar yla bilinen sanat lar Geleneklerden ve standartlardan o unlu a g re olduk a kopuk Dada c l k.
Book Historia abreviada de la literatura portátil aire
I really enjoy Enrique Vila Matas He s one of those authors I read everything by So I was delighted to come across A Brief History of Portable Literature This brief playful book is a pleasure even though I spent as much time looking up the writers mentioned as I did in reading the actual text And that s even with the fact that I seem to have similar tastes to Vila Matas and had read than half the writers mentioned. EBook Historia abreviada de la literatura portátil porta Portable literature seems to take its life from Marcel Duchamp s Box in a Suitcase It is a literature of the small that which is transitory that which is even futile It is filled with doppelgangers and Odradeks from the Kafka story and has its home in Prague Paris and under the ocean. Kindle Historia abreviada de la literatura portátil aire It would take longer to describe this book than to read it and the description would drain the text of all its fun If you like Vila Matas and it s hard for me to imagine there are people who do not then you ll certainly enjoy this book 9788433966483 enrique vila matas spanish writer extraordinaire has done it again weaving literary history into a fictional exploration of some of the previous century s most accomplished creative minds a brief history of portable literature historia abreviada de la literatura port til imagines a secret society of writers and artists the shandies a society of gratuitous and outrageous heroes in the lost battle of life lovers of writing when it becomes the most enjoyable experience possible and also the most radical whom together create a movement of portable literature leading the reader through decades and throughout the world vila matas populates his remarkable and remarkably lively tale with the likes of marcel duchamp francis picabia georgia o keefe man ray blaise cendrars aleister crowley louis ferdinand c line robert walser f scott fitzgerald paul klee henri michaux federico garc a lorca fernando pessoa and many others. Book Historia abreviada de la literatura portátile playful and profound a brief history of portable literature traces the enigmatic shandy movement and its members through assorted hijinks all the while offering a singular view of both art and artist vila matas peppers his novella with myriad literary references humorous asides winking nods and imaginative re creations all but requiring subsequent re readings a brief history of portable literature would find good company amidst the likes of cort zar s fantomas versus the multinational vampires and the prodigious output of assembled oulipians only because it is a world can a book be entered translated from the spanish by tom bunstead halfon herrera fres n and anne mclean cort zar halfon rosero cercas padilla et al 9788433966483 Tenho uma d vida recorrente que s vezes quase um problema de dif cil resolu o Que livro vou ler agora Olho minha volta e vejo cerca de oito centenas de capas lindas que me acenam e suplicam Eu eu euComo n o posso ler todos de uma vez bem que gostaria recorro a alguns truques Desta vez pedi ajuda a Enrique Vila Matas que j me acudiu noutras alturas dando me a conhecer grandes obras e seus autores embora algumas vezes me tenha feito correr para a livraria mais pr xima Pensei que lendo um livro cujas personagens s o escritores estaria a garantir o meu sossego por durante uns tempos mas desta vez Vila Matas trocou me as voltas ou retorno ao Tristram Shandy nem pensar ou leio poesia e esses escolho eu ou vou aprender estrangeiro para ler Andrei Biely Paul Morand Maurice Blanchot e mais uma catrefada de autores que com grande pena desconhe o e n o encontro traduzidos Nesta Hist ria Abreviada Vila Matas nomeia v rios escritores pintores e compositores que em 1921 se unem numa sociedade secreta cuja finalidade criar obras de arte min sculas que caibam numa pequena mala Da pesquisa que fui fazendo sobre os artistas conclu que a maioria pertenceu corrente art stica Dada sta Marcel Duchamp Francis Picabia Max Ernst Man Ray Jacques Rigaut Salvador Dali Tristan Tzara e o comportamento das personagens de que se destaca a irrever ncia e o pessimismo enquadra se nas caracter sticas do Dadaismo Pela sua natureza mais de ensaio e biogr fico do que romance este livro n o me proporcionou uma leitura emocionante sendo at um pouco confuso e aborrecido nalgumas passagens mas valeu a pena pelo que aprendi nas pesquisas que fiz durante a leitura aprendo sempre com este senhor. Historia abreviada de la literatura portátily pdf Recomendo a leitura de Enrique Vila Matas desta obra a quem se interessar pelo tema e das posteriores Bartleby Companhia O Mal de Montano e Dublinesca que s o um para so para quem gosta de ler sobre escritores 1 Poema de Jacques Rigaut A auto destrui o como um acto de f como bandeiracomo norte total e indesculp velcomo justa rebeli ocomo protestocomo uma arma letal contra si mesmocomo riso finalcomo um m todo justo de esvaziamentocomo m scara ou pose que o mesmo como efeito aceite irrevers velcomo par de vidacomo guerra interior n o declaradacomo perigo urgente e necess riocomo raz o do justo e do tiranocomo express o moderna e em vogacomo luta interior introspectivacomo forma de cr tica ao sistemacomo terapia absurda e consequentecomo rem dio certo contra o cancrocomo claudica ocomo morda acomo final tamb mcomo princ pio Como um neg cio em fimseguro e certo. Historia abreviada de la literatura portátily pdf 2 Foto de alguns dada stas tirada em 1933 por Man Ray Tristan Tzara Andre Breton Salvador Dali Max Ernst Man Ray Paul Eluard Hans Arp Yves Tanguy Rene Clevel Nota final H um autor que Vila Matas nunca se esquece de referir em todos os seus livros sobre escritores escreveu inclusive um romance Doutor Pasavento sobre a sua vida A minha escolha sobre o livro que vou ler a seguir est feita Os Irm os Tanner de Robert Walser 9788433966483 in do rusu alelade bir mektup yazmak i in masan n ba na oturan ki i bir anl na durup s ylediklerini ger e e uygun k lmak i in nas l ifade etmesi gerekti ini d nd nde edebiyat da ya amay s rd r r En k t ihtimalle insanlar n bir g n mektup yazmay b rakaca n varsayarsak airler okumay bildikleri kadar yazmay da bildikleri s rece edebiyat yine lmeyecektir airler asla lmeyecekler tam da ld kleri i in 9788433966483 Di er kitaplar na g re sayfa say s az olsa da Matas la tan mak i in uygun kitap de il kesinlikle Nedeni de u Matas n en belirgin zelli i edebiyat ve k lt r tarihine dair a rt c bilgisi bana kal rsa Montano Hastal n okurken ok a rm t m at fta bulunmad al nt yapmad yazar hakim olmad bir ak m yok sanki Montano Hastal zelinde Matas n trenine binip Edebiyat Tarihi yolculu una kmak epey keyifliydi Portatif Edebiyat n K salt lm Tarihi nde Matas n portatifler olarak adland rd sanat lar n kurmaca tarihine tan k oluyoruz Kar m za kan isimlerden akl mda kalanlar Walter Benjamin Duchamp Gombrowicz Baudelaire ve akl ma gelmeyen bir s r bir s r ismin portatiflik u rana yapt klar anlat l yor bu kitapta Ve inan n hi de yle ak l al r eyler de il yapt klar Sa mal klar yanl anla lmalar z rvalamalar ve kendin birbirini kand rmalarla r l portatiflerin tarihi Bir eyleri ele tirdi ini sezebilsem de ele tirilen eyin ne oldu unu tam olarak anlayamad m nk Matas muz rl yle derinden rm ki bu muz rl n pe ine tak lmak neyle nas l dalga ge ti ini anlamak i in bahsetti i isimlere ve sanat tarihine hakim olmamak anlamay g le tiriyor Biraz kafam kar t rsa da Matas ve bahsetti i isimleri biraz daha tan maktan dolay memnunum Bu kitab daha ok sevebilmek i in daha iyi anlamak ve daha iyi anlamak i in kendimi d d nyadan daha fazla izole ederek her t rl bilgiye kulaklar m kapatmak hem bir okur hem de hevesli ve s n k bir portatif aday olarak benim ellerimde art k 9788433966483 El lector tiene en sus manos la obra m s emblem tica ya casi legendaria de Enrique Vila Matas Publicada en 1985 Historia abreviada de la literatura port til fue traducida inmediatamente a un gran n mero de idiomas y m s all de las p ginas del libro origin diversas conspiraciones en la vida real La conspiraci n shandy o sociedad secreta de los port tiles fue fundada en 1924 en la desembocadura del r o N ger y qued disuelta tres a os despu s tras un espectacular esc ndalo en Sevilla Formaron parte de la conjura shandy entre otros Duchamp Scott Fitzgerald Walter Benjamin C sar Vallejo Rita Mal Valery Larbaud Garc a Lorca Pola Negri Berta Bocado Alberto Savinio y Georgia O Keefe Dos requisitos eran imprescindibles para formar parte de la sociedad secreta junto a que la obra art stica de uno fuera port til es decir que no fuera pesada y pudiera ser f cilmente trasladable en un malet n la otra condici n era la de funcionar como una perfecta m quina soltera Aunque no imprescindibles se recomendaba tambi n poseer ciertos rasgos que eran considerados como espec ficamente shandys sexualidad extrema esp ritu innovador ausencia de grandes prop sitos insolencia tensa convivencia con el doble simpat a por la negritud y nomadismo infatigable Historia abreviada de la literatura port tilThis little booklet from Vila Matas is not easy to access Still he s downright wacky maybe a little too much. Historia abreviada de la literatura portátil book pdf The author invents a community of shandys about the English work of the 18th century The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy gentleman by Laurence Sterne Whose character is also somewhat nutty and Vila Matas s footnote reminds us that Shandy is synonymous with merry wacky and talkative. Book Historia abreviada de la literatura portátil lenovo This community of shandys he creates brings together authors or artists little known to the general public who favor minimalism in expression and go from town to town to celebrate portable literature secretly. Historia abreviada de la literatura portátil booklet As usual Vila Matas mixes real and invented places and authors We do not find it at all but whatever a little challenging to follow this one than others And I did not find the highly festive atmosphere of Laurence Sterne whose Tristram makes us smile all the time despite the sometimes absurd subjects offered to the reader Here the parody is at the rendezvous but the vision is less favorable it must say that we are talking about what will become of art 9788433966483 Only because the past is dead are we able to read it There is a hole in the literary heart that has not cannot be filled since the passing of Jorge Luis Borges Never has the metaphysical universe been aligned with our own to where a reader will wonder which reality they walk and breathe within Luckily we have the Enrique Vila Matas to abate the agony Originally published in 1985 A Brief History of Portable Literature has finally surfaced to the English speaking world in brilliant and dexterous translation by Anne McLean and Thomas Bunstead The comparison to Borges is easy but it also cheapens an inventive work that stands on its own prowess as than just a marvelous harnessing of its influences and predecessors Vila Matas envisions a secret society the Shandies populated by artists you know and love from Borges himself to Witold Gombrowicz F Scott Fitzgerald Man Ray Salvador Dali Federico Garc a Lorca and Aleister Crowley among countless others working in cahoots to promote their idealized artistic notions Portable Literature Filling in or giving impetus to the gaps of reality Vila Matas creates a Portable Literature of his own in this 87pg novella that chronicles the adventures and break up of this group as they traverse the globe in their often suicidal quest for artistic perfection In a cavalcade of literary allusions fueled by highbrow hilarity Vila Matas breathes a life into the Shandy history that rewards the well read reader yet is still welcoming to those on the outside of the references in this fascinatingly fantastical reimagining of literary history A universe that was born of mistakes and coincidences Vila Matas constructs a jovial playground using a cunning imagination and wit as mortar between the bricks of literary history While the Portable conspiracy is fiction this Brief History is still inevitably a vast history lesson as each allusion or joke or activity is sure to send readers scrounging their resources to further read up on each author novel or simply to find the truth serving as roots from which the fiction can flower The in jokes are in great abundance and readers will find great joy and a sense of validation and accomplishment when they comprehend the highly high brow humour within However to be well versed is unnessecary even the biggest of bookworms will discover new authors and find many new ideas to sink their teeth into and the book will still be a riotous misadventure through the African plains and Paris cafes frequented by the Shandies None of the Shandies knew what it consisted of though paradoxically this is what made it possible The secret society or literary conspiracy is a group founded primarily on their love for things that are small such as microscopic handwriting which naturally finds Robert Walser as a member and portable like the slim volume of A Brief History itself The beliefs ideals and manifestos grow and expand with the growth of the group and their frequent meetings with the Shandies denouncing marriage celebrating and exposing a beautiful and appetizing side of suicide much to the chagrin and protestation of local officials and crafting their art in unique and progressive ways It is even required that all Shandies become involved with a doppleganger known as the Odradeks Kafka fans rejoice The conspiracy needed to appear in the eyes of the world like the stunning celebration of something appearing and disappearing with the arrogant velocity of the lightning bolt of insolenceIt is the expression of a rebellious scandalous immortal ego imposing itself as a way of exposing itself Brief History is the ultimate literary fangirl boy service offering imagined parties where idolized authors co mingle over drinks and conversation and implying that famous lines from say The Great Gatsby are actually references to some such Shandy soiree Even actual quotes are reappropriated to fit the conspiracy These fictional events are charged with a great sense of wry humor that keeps a smile on both the face and the intellect It was a bloodletting of will of independence of freedom in order to focus on the work Inevitably the group will face a traitor in their midst and must face the consequences of existing in a belief system so weightless and transitory a high plot device in a plotless novel in keeping with the sly in joke literary humor Vila Matas manages to consistently keep the novel above the waterline of stuffiness and writes with a forward charging pace and fluidity that will keep your eyes locked in the groove of words and ignore the turning of the clock This chronicle of history that never was or almost was or should have been is a wealth of good natured entertainment and insight that scratches the back of the intellect in the most satisfying way 4. Book Historia abreviada de la literatura portátil 5 5 He begins collecting books as well as passions he knows that the hunt for books like sexual pursuit enrich the geography of pleasure As it is evident that this book finds a valuable influence in the works of Jorge Luis Borges I quite enjoyed the technique of citing both real and fictional works of fiction similarly to those written about in the works of Borges It always seems the ones most appealing turn out to be imaginary and I respect the creativity behind summarizing and analyzing a novel to bring it s brilliant ideas and theories to existence but sidestepping the obligation of actual having to write that novel 9788433966483 En lo profundo de lo desconocido para encontrar algo nuevo Charles Baudelaire Las flores del mal El libro es divertid simo hasta chistoso un disparate no carente de sentido en el que se ensalza lo in til lo liviano lo intrascendente la locura la irresponsabilidad lo voluble la vanguardia la falta de objetivos lo chiflado el nomadismo la insolencia la negritud la frivolidad lo irreal la indisciplina el azar lo cr ptico una admirable y como cualquier otra fracasada tentativa de ser h roes en esa batalla perdida que es la vida una invitaci n a vivirla literariamente a bucear en lo desconocido para intentar desfondar el fundamento que nos subyace y hacerlo sin miedo al naufragio pues la vida igual que cada libro deber a contener en s la posibilidad del fracaso No les contar demasiado Si todav a no les he asustado tienen curiosidad y no temen a la decepci n del fracaso tendr n que leerla para saber qu es la literatura port til y qui nes y qu son los port tiles aunque ya les avanzo que no les resultar f cil pues es una literatura que no existe o qu son los shandys esos personajes obsesionados con la muerte de sexualidad extrema y tensa convivencia con la figura del doble y la extra eza consigo mismo entre otras grandes cualidades o cu l es el motivo por el que conspiran en su logia secreta o cu l es el problema que tienen con sus odradek peque os bastardos no nacidos de madre y estos con sus golem y estos con sus bucaresti o su gusto por todo aquello que surge y desaparece con la arrogante velocidad del rel mpago o en qu forma las mujeres fatales estuvieron presentes tanto en el inicio de la sociedad secreta como en la aparici n en su seno de la palabra suicidio o c mo la posibilidad del suicidio un escape siempre disponible les devolvi el sentido del humor en la convicci n de que aunque no hay razones para vivir tampoco las hay para morir La vida no merece que nos tomemos el trabajo de abandonarla pero si hay que hacerlo por favor que sea lo m s literariamente posible que sea en el Ritz Si todo esto que aqu les escribo les parece un desprop sito no se me amilanen lean el libro como fuente inagotable de nuevas y estimulantes sensaciones o como una sucesi n de chismes dimes y diretes sin que ello les lleve a verg enza pues no otra cosa son las novelas de Proust o Henry James T menlo como un espacio donde perderse en soledad aun sin evitar la amargura de la propia soledad o como un modo de enriquecer su geograf a del placer o por la loca esperanza de que en medio de la lectura su odradek se le pose en el hombro como la m s aguda y creativa de las violaciones Afr ntenlo como un juego como una forma de ver de otra forma como un viaje a otro mundo el que nos propone el autor uno sin demasiado peso nada importante ni grave lejos del otro ese reducto de imbecilidades de abdicaciones de renuncias y de obtusos encuentros uno en el que cuentan infinidad de historias que es el placer esencial de todo viaje y qu buen libro no es en realidad un gran viaje P. Book Historia abreviada de la literatura portátil convertible S Si a pesar de todo la novela les parece un tru o p nganla a calzar la mesa que cojea har n un justo homenaje a lo port til y su inclinaci n por lo soltero porque personas y cosas pierdan la funci n natural para la que fueron creadas P. Historia abreviada de la literatura portátil ebookers S Algunos de los artistas invitados Trist n Tzara Georgia O Keefe Garc a Lorca Hans Arp Witold Gombrowicz Marcel Duchamp Andrei Biely Gustav Meyrinck George Antheil Aleister Crowley Man Ray Valery Larbaud Edgar Varese Francis Picabia Blaise Cendrars Ram n G mez de la Serna Jacques Rigaut Juan Gris Raymond Roussel C sar Vallejo Louis Ferdinand C line Walter Benjamin Lu s Cernuda Robert Walser Rita Mal Francis Scott Fitzgerald Pola Negri Erik Satie Alberto Savinio Fernando Pessoa Salvador Dal 9788433966483 Bu bombaya tam bir de yar m y ld z verdim Bence Yar m Y ld z tam Shandylik bir kavram Hikaye edilesi ve hemen f rlat l p at las bir g zelli i var Mesela ad Yar m Y ld z olan bir hologram heykel hayal ediyorum y z tan ma zelli ine sahip Yar m Y ld z ona yakla t n z anda ruh halinize uygun bir hologram biblo kusuyor Yaln z dikkat edin bu sizin dijital odradek iniz olmas n Not Bu y lki okumalar mda s zde rastlant sal olarak nce Enis Batur un Mekik inde bir s re sonra Sebald n K r Evinde kamet inde s rrealizm f t rizm fovizm okultizm mistisizm hatta k bizm gibi stat koyu y kan kabul g ren do rular ve normlar sorgulayan ele tiren ak mlar n kurucusu veya ileri gelenlerini ele alm Bu portatif veya ta nabilir edebiyat merakl lar kendilerine Shandy ler ad n vermi ler Neden bu ismi kulland klar n okuyunca g receksiniz D nyaya geli nedenlerinin do alar n n en kuytu ve apra k k elerini d a vurmak oldu una inan yorlar Ars zl g zel sanat olarak kabul ediyorlar Anlat lar n kurmaca m ger ek mi oldu u konusunda zaman zaman teredd tte kalsam da kurmaca b l mlerin ate olmayan yerden duman kmaz misali bir ge mi leri oldu una ve bu nedenle Matas n mizah sivri diline d t klerini kabul ettim Ancak yazar n a n ok geni tuttu unu d n yorum nk ok say da sanat a a tak lm nk kitap arka sayfa tan t m yaz s nda bahsedilen isimlerden ok fazlas n kitap i inde okuyorsunuz L. Historia abreviada de la literatura portátil pdf in english Baz isimler i in internette ara t rma yapt mda Matas n abartmad n farkettim Ger ekten lg n tipler o u kafay s y rm veya ucundan kurtarm Enis Batur un deyi iyle ak lden inhiraf tipler Hatta ilk anda W Benjamin F. Book Historia abreviada de la literatura portátilla S Fitzgerald F Garcia Lorca n n ne i i var bunlar n aras nda diye d nd m sonra onlar n da birer shandy olduklar na ikna oldum K sa ve mizahi nitelikte olmas na ra men yorucu bir metin Zaten Matas kolay bir ey yazar m Bundan nceki kitaplar da hem yormu hem merak uyand rm t Edebiyat ile ok yak ndan ilgilenenlere ya da enmeyip ara t racaklara hitap ediyor E Vila Matas bu kitapla tan may n l tfen Montano Hastal iyi bir se im olur. Historia abreviada de la literatura portátil kindle store Kitab 27 g nde mi okusayd m bitirdi imde benim de bir obradek im var m diye d nmedim de il golem nedense akl ma bile gelmedi Neyse okuyacak olursan z iyi g nde olsunlar 9788433966483
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